Yes, yes, Provo... allow me to back up and endulge y'all with a story. During finals week and packing I got this call from mom and dad... or rather a short email saying they wouldn't be able to make it to take me home. We had the addition of Cute Baby Gabriella, to our family and they were helping out there. I panicked at first but then, I realized wait a second I took a grey hound from Boise to Everett on my own when my flight got canceled over Christmas break. I can do this.
So The plan was to get me to Susie and Jay's I'd stay with them. Amand and her wonderful parents helped me to pack and loaded me up and we made our way down to Utah. I stayed with Susie and Jay for a week but felt it would be for the best if I found a place of my own. I picked up a spring summer contract at Park Plaza... if any of you know where that's at... it's about 5 blocks from Susies... or so. Amanda lives in the same complex. We've both had to relocate in the complex due to renovation... so much moving around!!!! We go running up to the temple and back periodically. Just this week Amanda started a full time sub job at the school she's hired at in the fall. I only see her at nights.
It's hard but it helps me focus on the Online Accounting class i'm taking... 1 class shouldn't be terrible. But I can't count the number of times i've heard people give their condolences, saying that I'm going to die and it's the #1 program in the country and perhaps the world. I'll survive... I'd better. Mom and dad Rigby should have landed at their desitnation by now. So I'll see them in 3 weeks when I fly home back to WA.
PS Write a comment or email me with any blog url's or cool family websites so I can attempt to link them to my blog.